
Climbing – so much more than a New Year’s resolution

January 7, 2024



January is normally a busy month in the fitness industry and we get it, plenty of people have taken their foot off the gas, indulged in some delicious food, the routine has gone out the window and now they want to get back in shape.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a health or fitness goal and we are absolutely here to support you if that is your wish. But we are also here for those of you who climb week in, week out and those of you who just want to try out a new sport without any pressure to lose weight, hit targets or chuck away a lot of money on new gear to do so.

One of the things that makes the climbing community so lovely is how welcoming it is.

There are no intimidating inductions, no imposing machines with puzzling diagrams, no judgement on abilities or starting points.

Anyone can turn up, wearing pretty much anything and jump on the wall.Will you get fitter? Yes, you will and you’ll see noticeable gains if you come regularly. You’ll see them on the wall where the yellow climbs will get easier and you’ll progress to the oranges.

You might see them in how confident you feel too – especially if you are conquering any fears by coming here.

Walking into a new place can be intimidating but we are here to tell you that climbing is just a bunch of oddball people with nothing in common bar their love for the sport, chatting on the mats and swapping tips on how the route should be completed.

So, by all means, if you want a fresh start, a new hobby and a way to get fit then give climbing a try.

Likewise, if you want to get fitter and stronger, good for you – crack on and stick to those resolutions and climbing will absolutely tick fitness boxes.But our sport is so much more than all of that – it's a lifestyle, a holiday choice and a community. We’d love to have you here any month of the year, not just January.

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